Lip Augmentation


Why have lip augmentation

Fuller lips can subconsciously be seen as a sign of youth as younger people tend to naturally have more volume in the lip. We can augment the shape, definition, ratio and size of your lips to subtly restore, rejuvenate and enhance your natural lips.

The treatment is beneficial for those individuals who have lost lip volume as a result of age (which can be up to 50% by the age of 50) or for any individuals, male of female, who would like more volume to their lips.

What can be done

A thin filler can be injected in the lip area to address any asymmetry and loss of volume. We can also add tiny amounts around the perimeter of the lip where fine age lines and deeper smokers lines can cause lipstick bleed.



Treatment facts

Treatment time

30 mins (estimated)

Recovery Time

5-7 days (estimated)

Results and Duration

Immediate results
Lasts 6-12 months


Bruising, swelling, lumps, granuloma, blindness, tissue necrosis, infection